Revopoint MetroX 3D scanner.
Revopoint has unveiled its new blue laser scanner, the MetroX 3D scanner. Billed as a cost-effective solution, MetroX combines a hybrid multi-line laser and full-field structured light capabilities to capture small and medium-sized objects. MetroX includes four scanning modes: Cross Lines, Parallel Lines, Full-field handheld scanning, and Auto Turntable.
The 3D scanning specialist claims to provide metrology-grade accuracy of up to 0.03 mm and precision of up to 0.01 mm. With the addition of the blue laser, black or glossy objects will not require scanning spray.
The four scanning modes of the MetroX:
- Cross Lines: 14 blue laser cross lines can capture large black or glossy surface areas.
- Parallel Lines: 7 blue laser parallel lines capture fine details, edges, and complex surfaces.
- Full-field handheld scanning: 62 blue laser lines can rapidly create point clouds of either feature-rich or featureless objects at up to seven million points per second.
- Auto Turntable: This mode can capture small objects with the system’s automation capabilities, providing an accurate digital twin each time.
Ivan, a member of the Revopoint Community, said, “They are a professional company with great products at even better prices. I don't know any company that cares this much about their backers and customers...consistently implementing user feedback and requests.”